Bachelor's Degree in Marketing
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- Universidad:
- Universidad Europea de Madrid
- Campus:
- Villaviciosa de Odón
- Ciudad:
- Madrid
- Tipo de estudios:
- Grado
- Area de conocimiento:
- Empresa, Marketing y RRII
- Comienzo:
- Septiembre
- Modalidad:
- Presencial
- Idioma:
- Inglés
- Créditos:
- 240 ECTS
- Duración:
- 4 años
- Precio:
- 12.650 €
- Requisitos:
Estudiante Europeo
Estudiante No Europeo
Degree at the forefront of new market trends. Learn about Marketing from a fresh perspective, with new subjects and adapted to new digital environments.
Neuromarketing, e-Commerce, Big Data, and Digital Ecosystem are now key subjects that you should know if you want to opt for the jobs demanded by the new digital economy, and all are covered within the curriculum of the bachelor’s degree in Marketing at Universidad Europea.
The management of technology is essential to successfully perform your professional career.
Throughout this 4-year bachelor degree of marketing, you will take part in more than 400 hours of internships and work placements at leading companies, learning the skills needed to succeed and networking with experienced industry professionals.
El tiempo es limitado. No lo desprecies viviendo el sueño de otra persona