


And why is this day important?

This day serves as a reminder about the importance of respecting and protecting all creatures that live like us on planet Earth.

In this Homologation blog we explain a little more about this day, read on, you won't regret it!

Before we continue, we explain why this day is so important, and what we want to celebrate with it.

The World Organization for the Protection of Animals provides data such as:

  • Millions of animals, including pets and farm animals, suffer abuse and neglect worldwide.
  • Habitat loss and poaching have driven many animal species to the brink of extinction.

These two examples are just a small part of the many injustices that animals suffer, but thanks to October 4th, we can talk about the issue by celebrating and raising awareness and providing a solution to the problem.

What are the objectives of this Day?

  • Raise awareness about animal welfare.
  • To promote protection and respect for animals.
  • Remember the importance of the conservation of wildlife and natural habitats.
  • To promote the adoption of pets and reduce the purchase of animals from breeders or pet stores.

How can I participate in the celebration of this Day?

If you are considering getting a pet, consider adopting instead of buying. There are thousands of shelters and rescue organizations that have many pets in need of homes.

Another way is to participate in awareness-raising activities: for example, this Sunday, October 6, Madrid will host “Perrotón”, a solidarity race for the Adoption and Responsible Pet Ownership and against Animal Abandonment and Abuse.

Support animal welfare organizations through donations or by volunteering at local animal shelters or animal conservation projects.

Have a great time this day!

From Homologation we hope you enjoyed it, see you on Sunday October 6th for the charity run, don't miss it, we are already signed up!


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